Selecting Desserts: Freeze & Satisfy Hunger!
Unlock the art of freezing baked goodies like muffins, cupcakes, and scones for ultimate convenience!
Once baked and cooled, individually wrap them with care using plastic wrap. Then, gather your goodies in a roomy zipped-top bag or freezer container. One layer of wrapping is perfectly adequate for these smaller delights. This helps keep them fresh.
While you can freeze the baked goods with icings, frostings, or glazes already applied to save time, the true flavor magic happens when you wait to add the finishing touches just before serving. Freshly made icing, frosting, or glaze enhances their taste remarkably.
One of our personal favorites is freezing muffins, as they are the ultimate grab-and-go snack for busy days while also keeping their moisture when frozen. they're perfect for those quick and hassle-free treats, whether for yourself or a hungry toddler by your side.
Expert Insights: Our Brand Ambassador's Baking and Freezing Tips
Elevate your cookie creations overnight with the help of our partner, Gringuita Cookies.
1. For richer, firmer dough. Let your dough rest to allow the flour to absorb moisture, resulting in the ultimate treat.
2. Enhance your cookies with a luscious Nutella®-like filling as it keeps well. Freeze your hazelnut spread and encase it in your cookie dough. Follow your recipe as normal for a mouthwatering delight!

Meet the Chef: Caroline McGinley
Caroline McGinley is the proud owner and baker behind Gringuita Cookies, an upscale cookie bakery. She’s best known for her giant quarter pound stuffed cookies. The name “Gringuita” means "little American girl" in Spanish and was a name that was given to her while traveling in South America.

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